Music & Worship Arts

Chancel Choir
Wednesdays 7-8:30pm
Our Chancel Choir is a group for adults and high school students who prepare music weekly for worship. We sing music from a variety of genres and composers, making our choir accessible, challenging, and fun! Our members run the gamut of professional musicians and music enthusiasts. There's always space for a new member in the BUMC Chancel Choir family.
We meet from 7-8:30pm on Wednesdays!
Sundays 6-7:15pm
The Orchestra leads in worship once a month during the school year, and collaborates with our Chancel Choir and children for special performances during the Christmas and Easter seasons.
We meet from 6-7:15pm on Sundays and all youth or adults are welcome!
Kids Worship Arts
"Little Harmonies" & "Rising Voices"
We want to make space for children in worship and leadership. The Kids' Worship Arts program helps us live into this goal. We sing, play a variety of instruments, create collaborative art work, and more - all to glorify God!
Wednesdays 6-6:30pm ~ "Little Harmonies"
4yrs old - 2nd grade
Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm ~ "Rising Voices"
3rd - 6th grade
Youth Band
Wednesdays 6-7pm
Our Youth Band is open to 6th-12th graders who play an instrument, sing, or are willing to learn!
Wednesdays 6-7pm

"I will sing of your love and justice; to you, LORD, I will sing praise."

Psalms 101:1

Check out our music calendar!

cristen mitchell

Ben Slaughter

Director of Music & Worship Arts

Music Ministry Associate & Accompanist