News from the Recent General Conference and Other General Conference Resources

A note from Pastor Brad:

The historic Postponed 2020 General Conference of The UMC has concluded in Charlotte.  No doubt, many of you have heard about the important decisions that have been made there in the past few days.  It has, indeed, been momentous! (I'm including links below where you can read more details about each of these from UMNews.) Here are some key decisions:

I do not remember any General Conference which accomplished so much--and with essentially two quadrennia worth of legislation to wade through! While there are those who are unhappy with some of these changes, there are also those who are feeling deep joy. So, with all of these changes in The UMC, what can we expect to change at BUMC? My short answer is not much. We will continue to focus our hearts, our eyes, our efforts on Jesus Christ--which means making disciples, and loving and serving our community and wider world, working for what is good and right and just. The only difference--which I believe is an important one! --is that we can now wholeheartedly welcome ALL people--including LGBTQ+ folx--saying, "Come as you are and see."  We now have the freedom to fully include all people as a part of the church's ministry--to truly hold forth the "wide umbrella" where progressive, moderate and traditionalist people can find ways to live together peaceably.  We can prophetically show our divided world what is possible by God's grace.
The Virginia Conference of the UMC has produced some wonderful podcast and video content to which helps us to understand the upcoming General Conference.
This is THE central hub of information regarding the General Conference.  From here you can find everything from livestreams of conference plenary sessions, to complete details on specific legislation. You can even subscribe to receive the Daily Christian Advocate in your email, which reports on daily proceedings. 
The UMNS is the most trusted, thorough, non-partisan and reliable news outlet regarding General Conference proceedings.  This is recommended above any other news sources about General Conference. 
Join in daily prayer for the work of General Conference--both in preparation for, and during.
This prayer guide for GC is formatted like the Upper Room devotional.